“Meditation nourishes the mind in the same way that food nourishes the body”
In my online meditation course, I teach the fundamentals of meditation and my favourite tools to calm the nervous system and go inwards.
I focus on teaching how to make meditation a part of your daily routine.
The most important thing about meditation is to start and then keep on doing it.
That I can help you with!
Each meditation course covers a 4 weeks period and it is accessible through a private facebook group. Participants receive video tutorials and meditations every week, along with reading material relevant to each week´s theme. The group page allows for active communication between members and Karítas during the course period and can be used and adjusted to each individual´s needs. During the course participants will get inspiration & accountability to keep on track. This meditation course is for everbody who want to learn meditation, why and how it can contribute to a better health. Also we go into how you can start and make it a part of your daily routine.
The price of this 4 week meditation course is 88$ (600 dkk, 12.000 isk).
Sign up to the next course by sending an email to: karitas.e.langkjaer@gmail.com